Task: Done

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We have now been on a ride through some of the interesting parts of functional programming. You have seen some code that doesn’t look much like the JavaScript we normally write. We have also seen that the same code has interesting properties, such as less focus on state and mutability. Hopefully you have learned something along the way.

To wrap up what we have seen today – basically, functional programming achieve reuse at a coarser-grained level than object-oriented programming, extracting common machinery with parameterized behavior. Most applications do things with lists of elements, so a functional approach is to build reuse mechanisms around the idea of lists plus contextualized, portable code.

Btw, want to learn more?

https://leanpub.com/javascript-allonge/read and http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028857.do


Test results:



  1. Part 0: Introduction to the workshop
  2. Part 1: A functions context
  3. Part 1: A functions arguments
  4. Part 1: Functions and prototypes
  5. Part 2: Applicative programming
  6. Part 2: Make new collections with map
  7. Part 2: Make new collections with filter
  8. Part 2: Make new collections with reduce
  9. Part 2: Using helper liberaries
  10. Part 2: Point-free style
  11. Part 2: Applicative functions with context
  12. Part 3: Function factories
  13. Part 3: Higher order functions
  14. Part 3: Functions with functions
  15. Part 3: Fluent interfaces
  16. Part 3: Function arity
  17. Part 4: Partial application
  18. Part 4: Create functions from functions
  19. Part 5: Currying
  20. Part 5: Composition
  21. Part 5: Pipelines
  22. Part 5: Case - Parse URL
  23. Part 6: Shared state
  24. Part 7: Working with collections
  25. Part 7: Done [Active]
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